Saturday, July 27, 2019

Latest Tree (Or Bush)

As I mentioned before, I got a new application for my tablet, Acrylic Painting Ideas, by Cakdroid. It had an idea I decided to try, a tree, or bush, with leaves of various colors. That struck me as a way to experiment with acrylic colors. For once, I tried using a five and a half inch by eight and a half inch page from my Strathmore mixed media book, which was handy, rather than one of my usual canvas panels. I made a grassy bottom with various shades of green and black strokes, a black tree base with branches, then started my color experiments. The only thing that gave me any trouble was what background to use, behind the tree, above the grass? I tried several background colors, then put some blue on top of what I had already tried, which came out interesting

One more thing. 
Because I painted on paper, this piece isn't quite flat.

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