Monday, February 18, 2019


I've started taking a wax encaustic painting class again, at the Osher Lifelong Learning Center, at the University of Delaware. I tried taking it last year, but had to quit, due to scheduling conflict. We're studying it under Ms Cesarine, using her book, 

Waxing & Waning: the Art of Mediatative Painting, by Petra Cesarine

It's done with a canvas board, an old magazine page, tempera paint, the first time I ever used such paint, gesso, wax paper and a two inch brush.

Apply gesso to the board, then cover it with the magazine page and cover that with gesso. You then apply your wax paper to that mess. eventually you can remove the wax paper and the wax will stick and you can begin painting. It's a little more complicated than that, but that's the basic.

So far, under her direction, I made this apple, which I'm rather proud of. I think it looks pretty good.

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